Friday, April 06, 2012


There is really nothing awesome about April, other than the fact that two writing jobs come a-dropping on my lap (which is awesome, really).

These two might just be a precursor for something bigger. Life may no longer be as cushy as it used to be.

I am quite sure that interesting life-changing events will happen, in a big way.

One has to be prepared.

In fact, we've seen the signs. Since I am a firm believer that nothing is ever random in life, I view the two jobs as a pre-warning of sorts to be prepared for the worst.


Bullets. Its very connotation is negative. Bullets is just the thing that he's been dodging lately, but luck may just run out. One may just hit him. It has hit others before him. So, what's another spray of bullets?

Nothing is what it seems nowadays.


When one is bored, one takes a walk in one's garden, enjoy the sunlight when it's there, and take in the colours and the smells. 

My garden, puny though it is, is the one place I enjoy working on. I will not not talk about all the plants that died under my care - it is simply too heartbreaking to even think about them all.  

Pictures here taken on one sunny morning.

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