Sunday, October 19, 2014

a re-discovery

I have been thinking a lot lately about writing long-winded essays on nothing and everything. An impromptu meetup with two of my college friends, Ida and Ell, had me thinking about it again.

Ida especially was insistent: Your Facebook food pictures are great. Do a blog on the food you eat and the places you go.

The truth is, I have been writing in my head all the time. It's easy to play around with words when you are not looking at a blank computer screen. The intro, the body, the conclusion. They're all there. And I do sound quite smart in my  head too.

Tonight, while going through my Blogger dashboard, I discovered the link to my second blog that had only four miserable but well-written (if I may say so) entries. The final entry of that blog was in mid-September of 2010.

My last entry was in April. It is now mid-September.What's happening to me?But I'm glad I haven't quite yet forgotten the URL to this blog and more importantly, the password. And this should be reason enough for me to attempt an update at least once a month.Darn those social networking sites for taking away my concentration and focus.
I have forgotten the password to that blog. Such irony. And worse, I have set comment moderation too. That blog is now officially dead. I may, however, export (oh! such a clever-sounding word) the other three (well, two) entries here. And such a loss too because I quite like the name I gave to the blog (originality is dead), my profile name and the url.

Ah well .. that's life. And aging too.

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